Friends don’t let friends work on climate alone.
👋 Hi! Your friend (or colleague, or family member, or person-you-just-met-on-the bus) sent this to you because they think you might like 9Zero.
Already in? Great, we’ll skip the spiel! You can go ahead and request a membership below, and mention the person who referred you in the form so you both get one free month of Club Membership (or $150 off other plans).
Need a bit more info before you commit? Super fair.
9Zero is a community of climate workers. We gather at in-person hubs (currently in San Francisco and Seattle, LA/NYC coming up next), attend events, and use Slack and Notion to get to know each other and meet the right people. 9Zero provides the space and the tools, and members make the magic happen by supporting each other with connections, resources, and good old fashioned friendship.
Come check out the space for a tour and trial day. We’re looking forward to meeting you soon!