9Zero Launches the 9Zero Hero Award with Tom Steyer and Announces Next 9Zero Award Date

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, September 6, 2024 — On Thursday, August 29th, 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub proudly launched its inaugural 9Zero Hero Award by honoring Tom Steyer with a full house of 150 attendees at 350 California Street, San Francisco. This landmark event celebrated Steyer’s significant contributions to climate action and sustainability.

The evening featured a moving presentation of the 9Zero Hero Award to Tom Steyer, highlighted by a heartfelt introduction from his son, Sam Steyer. The award was presented by 9Zero co-founders Duncan Logan and Matthew Joehnk.

The program included a VIP reception and book signing with Tom Steyer, followed by a panel discussion on climate finance. The panel, moderated by Julie Castro Abrams, Founder and Managing Partner of How Women Invest, featured Kim Kolt, Founding General Partner at Bay Bridge Ventures, and Colin le Duc, Founding Partner at Generation Investment Management. They explored key topics such as balancing financial returns with impactful climate solutions, the influence of political policies on climate finance, and strategies for scaling climate technologies.

Tom Steyer expressed his gratitude, saying, “Receiving the inaugural 9Zero Hero Award is a profound honor. This recognition reflects the collective efforts of many dedicated to fighting climate change and I’m proud to be part of a community committed to a sustainable, prosperous future for all.   While great strides have been made and the climate transition is well under way, we must remain focused on the challenges ahead and continue to prioritize  innovation and collaboration.”

Support from Leading Sponsors:

Keynote Sponsor: Wovoka
Wovoka is at the forefront of nature restoration, empowering Southeast Asian communities to rehabilitate and sustain terrestrial and mangrove ecosystems. Their innovative approach is crucial in enhancing biodiversity and resilience against climate impacts.

VIP Dinner Sponsor: Goodwin
Goodwin, a prominent supporter of climate tech innovations, has sponsored the exclusive VIP dinner. Their comprehensive legal services support climate tech companies in areas such as company incorporation, financings, fund formation, and intellectual property transactions. Goodwin’s partnership underscores their commitment to fostering sustainable growth and empowering innovators.

Networking Reception Sponsor: Anthropocene Ventures
Anthropocene Ventures is a global venture capital firm dedicated to investing in innovative founders who leverage hard science to strengthen humanity’s resilience. Their support accelerates the development of groundbreaking solutions for climate challenges.

Corporate Friend of Climate: JP Morgan
A global leader in financial services, JP Morgan is committed to advancing sustainability through cutting-edge solutions that foster environmental resilience. Their investments and initiatives play a key role in supporting climate-positive technologies and practices.

Video Media Sponsor: Salt Candy Social
Salt Candy Social is partnering with 9Zero to provide comprehensive video and photography coverage for the Hero Event. Their expertise will capture the event's key moments with precision and creativity, including guest arrivals, keynote speeches, and dynamic networking sessions. Salt Candy Social’s involvement ensures that the significance of this pivotal moment in climate advocacy is highlighted and amplified.

Call for Nominations:
Following this memorable event, 9Zero is excited to announce that nominations for the next 9Zero Hero are now open. We encourage everyone to submit nominations for individuals who have made remarkable contributions to climate action. The next award recipient will be honored in November. Nominations can be submitted here.

Award Criteria:
The 9Zero Hero Award honors individuals for impactful contributions to climate action, exceptional leadership in environmental stewardship, and inspiring advocacy. For more details on the criteria and nomination process, visit the 9Zero Hero website.

About 9Zero:
9Zero is a forward-thinking climate organization dedicated to uniting advocates and driving impactful climate action through innovative events, digital platforms, and strategic initiatives.

For media inquiries or more information, please contact:

Ann Oleson

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